Do you offer online and in person talks?

Yes! Pending a world safe to travel in, I prefer to show up and share space together. That being said, I also love to make decisions that are good for Mother Earth, and have adapted my teaching and speaking engagements and having been working online for well over 5 years.

Can I share the talk you gave to my team online?

Yup! Please do. The value of knowledge is only there if it’s shared. Please tag @JaceActually and promote my website each time. Word of mouth is the best way for others to invite me to speak and I love to know how my work is making an impact in the lives of others.

Are your talks accessible and inclusive?

Accessibility and inclusion are core principles to my teaching pedagogy long before DEI was an acronym people knew. My talks are designed with simple language, clearly explained jargon, high contrast slides, and when possible audio captions and transcripts are provided.

How long have you been a public speaker?

Public speaking and advocacy is in my DNA. I’ve been sharing stories since people would listen. I honed my craft during my Bachelors of Education where I took considerable effort to present in an engaging, inclusive, and informative way. I’ve been blessed to learn from my community, Indigenous Matriarchs around the world, and world-class world speakers on stages we’ve shared. Everyone’s engagement and feedback makes me a little bit wiser every day.